04/30/06: Well, ladies and gentlemen, so begins another
hobby for the world to see. For the longest time I used to use photoshop to make some
gag jokes, but it usually took far too much work to hunt down just the right pictures,
make all the right edits, and so on. I always figured I didn't have enough talent to
draw, so I eventually turned to the realm of animation, where I took pre-existing models,
(typically from video games), posed them, made screen captures, manipulated them
in Photoshop, then used Flash to animate them.
Well, after spending several months on my last cartoon, which was a resounding success in
my book, I realized that the only way to maintain success on that level was to bust my butt
animating for at most a 4 minute joke. Feh!
So I decided that I'd much rather go for quantity than quality, although I'd still like to
maintain some level of quality if you know what I mean. So with that in mind, what you're looking
at is my first attempt at my little gem of a web comic. Now, before you go thinking I've went
and grown myself an ego....no, I don't anticipate this being anything more than a venue for some
(hopefully) good jokes. I stress hopefully.
So come by once in a while. I don't plan on trying to sell you on the site here. I hope to update
as fast as I can draw, and I hope to draw faster as I get better at drawing, inking, and coloring.
I've only been drawing for two weeks, which is fairly obvious, but I think I've got a good idea here.
Current Ranking: 85